Acne, pregnancy

« ...Even though there are a wide variety of great skin care products on the market, many of them contain harsh chemicals that can actually irritate the skin. Instead, you should use natural acne skin care products, since they contain natural ingredients that actually mimic the properties of your skin. You should avoid purchasing anything with ingredients that you cannot pronounce, because most likely they are manufactured and can cause irritation to your skin....
...These include topical creams, such as Benzaclin, Klaron and Azelex, as well Tretinoin and Adapalene, to name but a few. These creams are helpful for clearing blocked pores. Some of these substances may have unfavorable side effects and should therefore, only be used on the recommendation and guidance of a qualified dermatologist. Topical creams may be effective for less serious to mild cases of acne....»
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«...Next, apply an astringent to your face. It should contain salicylic acid. This will work on getting rid of your acne. It removes any traces of dirt and oil and gives medication to dry up any pimples you have and keeps the oil from coming back. Wipe it on with a cotton swab or pad and let it dry on your skin for a minute or so. Concentrate it especially on areas where the acne is worse....»
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tags: retinol 40's skin care acne research, homeopathic medical methods acne, getting rid of redness on your cheeks from acne