Does chocolate cause acne

« ...Growing up today with problem acne can be devastating to the self esteem of a person. Many will spend hundreds, or even thousands, of dollars on treatments. One of the treatments is the Murad Acne Complex Treatment. This treatment promises that acne will virtually be eliminated within four weeks....
...Whiteheads may be removed by a special instrument called a blackhead remover. However, overenthusiastic persons can create scars in their face because they simply remove the whitehead without first loosening the skin. To avoid problems, see a good dermatologist....»
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«...Papules are usually quite small and elevated. Also, they usually don't have a visible "head". You should never try to squeeze them so as to minimize the potential of permanent scars....»
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tags: acne best medication, dermotology types of acne, how do i get rid of acne scars