How the cure acne at home

« ...Although drugs prescribed for acne nowadays are very efficient, doctors often don't explain what causes acne and how they can help their condition. "Stay away from chocolate and burgers," they say! We now know staying away from chocolate and burgers, unless you have an allergy to some of the ingredients, isn't going to make any difference to your acne. However, it has been proved that drinking fizzy drinks especially coke will give you spots....
...Acne is commonly defined as a skin disorder that results from the action of hormones on the sebaceous glands of the skin. It is common among adolescents and young adults, but adults of older age and infants are sometimes affected as well. Acne has been around for centuries, and over the years many people claim to have dealt with this disease by using certain acne cures. But, are acne cures really possible?...»
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«...One of the first, and perhaps best known treatments for mild acne is benzoyl peroxide. Benzoyl peroxide works two ways. First it helps to rid the skin of current pimples. Once this is no longer a problem, it helps to reduce and prevent breakouts. Benzoyl peroxide does this by removing dead skin cells from the pores to keep them from clogging and causing acne. It also helps to kill bacteria that cause inflammation, redness and heat associated with the breakout of both black and white head pimples....»
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tags: home remedy for acne scar, whats a gud moisturizer for acne, treatments for adult cystic acne