Acne rosacea natural treatment of rosceasa

« ...How Do I Get Rid Of Old Acne Scars? - Home Remedies For Acne Scars...
...Contrary to popular belief, acne is not caused by poor hygiene and eating too much oily foods. Basically, people who are predispose to acne has oily skin due to the over activity of the sebaceous glands. These glands are responsible for the oil production of the body. The thing is while these oils are being excreted by the body through the skin; they are blocked by the hair follicles, dead skin cells and infected by bacteria's, which are present in the skin. Clogging of the pores can lead in the formation of acne....»
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«...Skin rash is deeper than what the skin shows. It's the blood that causes this as evidenced by the characteristics described above. The Chinese view points to the existence of "excess heat" in the blood, which means many things including: too much peppery/deep-fried/greasy food, too much shellfish consumed like crabs/clams/oysters, excessive toxins in the blood through eating or exposure, not enough rest, hot weather getting into you, etc....»
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tags: how to remove brown marks left by acne, acne free in three days, can fast food cause acne