...The best cure for whiteheads is cleanliness. No amount of medicine can ever replace the glow of healthy skin. Soap and water can do wonders where other expensive creams and lotions will fail. In fact, since whiteheads are caused by the overactivity of the oil glands, it's best to avoid using cold creams and other greasy applications and cosmetics. This can only make the condition worse....»
«...These tiny fibers are woven together to create a fabric with phenomenal exfoliating and cleansing capacity, a fabric that creates a positive charge, attracting and binding to it negatively changed oil, dirt and dead skin particles, eliminating the very environment that encourages skin infection. Microfiber cloth is able to accumulate and absorb more particles of dirt, bacteria and sebaceous fluids than any other known fabric....»
Full Text: strrthsultrz.blogspot.com
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